Lamp Recycling System
Balcan lamp recyclers are industry-leading systems

Lamp Recycling System
Balcan Lamp Recyclers are industry leading systems
Balcan Lamp Recycling Systems
All Balcan lamp & bulb recycling systems have the advantage they can recycle most types of waste mercury bearing lamps. Unlike other systems, the Balcan lamp recycling systems can process everything together, instead of requiring mercury lamps & bulbs to be seperated into different types.
Balcan has always believed for any lamp recycling system to be both economically & environmentally efficient, it needs to be able to accept precrushed lamps. Precrushing is better for the enviornment as vehicles can then carry nearly five times more lamps than if they remain whole (a particularly important factor when lamps need to be transported over long distances).

Award winning versatility
Balcan plants have been designed to be as versatile as possible and capable of accepting all kinds and sizes of both whole and pre-crushed lamps.
Our award winning design of our original model of Lamp Recycler (which we operated ourselves before replacing at the end of 2009) was based on this concept.
Balcan have developed & produce a complete range of lamp recyclers to cover those with lesser volumes of lamps, all the way through to those who need to recycle large volumes.
Zero Mercury Emissions
To ensure mercury emissions are kept to a minimum Balcan have put a great deal of time into the design of the extraction system. All machines operate at negative pressure ensuring safety of the operators. Particulate filters remove the dust and powder from the lamps and during the recycling process. Air flow from the extractors is filtered through high flow annular carbon beds ensuring maximum flow, but also removing the mercury vapour so output to atmosphere is zero. Carbon lifetime can be in excess of 10 years, after which the carbon can be recycled.

Futureproof your Lamp Recycling Business
With LED’s fast becoming the lighting of chioce, recycling these is not easy due to their structure. The Balcan LED1000 can help futureproof your lamp recycling business, as well as provide new business opportunities. Capable of processing waste electronics & outputs from existing lamp recyclers, LED1000 can move your company to the next level generating high value fractions.
High Value Outputs
To ensure mercury emissions are kept to a minimum Balcan have put a great deal of time into the design of the extraction system. All machines operate at negative pressure ensuring safety of the operators. Particulate filters remove the dust and powder from the lamps and during the recycling process. Air flow from the extractors is filtered through high flow annular carbon beds ensuring maximum flow, but also removing the mercury vapour so output to atmosphere is zero. Carbon lifetime can be in excess of 10 years, after which the carbon can be recycled.