+44 (0)1507 528500 info@balcan.co.uk

Balcan Lamp and LED Recycling Systems

Designed by lamp recyclers for lamp recyclers

Balcan – The Complete Package

Balcan MP 8000 Recycler

Balcan Lamp Recycling Systems

Balcan lamp recycling systems are designed to recycle most types of lamps. The modular MP range can be customised with different modules to create five models, allowing you to create and your ideal lamp recycler that is best suited for your recycling needs.

Design and Engineering Lamp Recycling

Balcan LED/Electronics Recycler

The Balcan LED1000 Lamp and Electronics Recycler is our latest system, specifically designed to help lamp recyclers process LED lamps and boost business by enabling the processing of other electronics and WEEE.


Balcan Lamp Crusher

Balcan Lamp Crushers

The Balcan lamp crusher is a heavy duty unit, forming the front end of some of the MP range of lamp recyclers. Cost of ownership is 2-3 times less than single load drum top crushers. Safely reduce lamp volume and control emissions prior to recycling.

Balcan Lamp Recycling MP 8000

Services – Design & Engineering

Balcan Engineering Ltd has it’s own in house design team to keep up to date with changing markets in lamp recycling. It’s in depth knowledge helps clients tailor systems for their needs.

Advantages of Balcan Lamp Recycling Systems

Balcan lamp recycling systems are designed & used by the UK’s largest lamp recycler. Using our own design and in house knowledge Balcan have built world leading lamp recycling systems. Being easy to use and straightforward to maintain, the systems produce excellent output fractions to ensure maximum recycling. Combined with the new LED1000 led/electronics processing system Balcan can help companies expand & grow.

Balcan Lamp Recycler
The Balcan MP6000 Lamp Recycler

Types of lamps for recycling

Balcan Lamp Recyclers were designed to accept as many different types of lamps as possible. The added benefit of the design is they can handle LED bulbs without need for segregation. Click here for more information about our recycling systems.

World leaders in Lamp Recycling Systems

Balcan continues to actively develop lamp recycling systems to cater for the new developing LED market. Balcan Lamp Recycling Systems are capable of recycling most types of lamps and bulbs & are built on simplicity, practicality and ease of use.

Being designers of lamp recyclers, as well as the largest UK lamp recycler, Balcan designed & manufactured the lamp recycling machines to accept both whole and crushed lamps. Accepting both types of lamps in the waste stream gives it the advantage over lamp recycling machines which only accept whole lamps.

The ability to accept crushed & whole lamps in its recycler & being able to be dual fed with mixed lamps, means the unique operation of Balcan’s Lamp Recycling Systems produce some of the cleanest glass available.